Self-realisation with special reference to U.G. Krishnamurti
By Satya Simha The Unrational Philosophy of U.G. Krishnamurti Advaita on Self-realisation Maya and Spiritual Experience U.G. on Realisation The Physics and Biology of Enlightenment Comparative Study of J.K. and U.G. On the Law of Nature University of Mysore Department of Studies in Philosophy Dr. M. Ramachandra Professor and Chairman Manasagangotri Mysore 570 006 Dated: 25-11-2009 Foreword I have the great pleasure of writing a foreword to this beautiful book of my beloved student, Sri Satya Simha, who unfortunately could not submit his Thesis for the PhD Degree to the Postgraduate Department of Philosophy, Mysore University, MGM due to his untimely death. The book pertains to the philosophy of U.G. Krishnamurthy, popularly known as U.G., who created revolution in the philosophical world. The author has made a deep study of U.G.'s philosophy and has based his study mainly on his personal interactions with U.G. He has also referred to other authentic sources. Though U.G. himself wan...